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St. Anne's High School & Junior College


        The new academic year for the teachers at St. Anne’s, began on 14th June, 2024. This Programme commenced with a short Welcome Ceremony for the newly appointed Manager – Fr. Aniceto Pereira and his assistant Fr. Ronny Vaz. All sections contributed their mite towards this programme.

        Teachers are not mere teachers, but educators. An educator is one, who piques children’s curiosity. The educators at St. Anne’s, Orlem, Malad (W) set the ball rolling with some rationalization, reflection, discussion and amusement through an Orientation Programme conducted by Deacon Ivan Fernandes.

       Deacon Ivan exemplified the role of an educator via a narration about an eagle, a farmer and a naturalist. He connected the story to students of the current generation, who constantly have to be encouraged and reminded that they can attain greater heights, if they choose to persist. Here, the naturalist is compared to a teacher, who is akin to a motivator. The Orientation served as a reminder to all teachers that their role in a student’s life was exemplary.

        The Programme ended with a sumptuous lunch buffet which satiated the hungry appetites of one and all.




स्नेहने श्रद्धया चैव
“With Love and faith alone.”